Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hehe.... Once I entered our group blog,,my eyes got 'colour'-shock!!
Since when our blog changes its skin colour,,Kak Zura?? Dani??
Hahaha.... But still,,look nice..... ^^,
But I like PINK colour even more!!! Hahaha XD
Emm...I had read Posts in our blog today,,and I'm so the very are proud with the two of my group members,,Kak Zura and Dani...
Although there's just the two of you there but you guys still could create such an awesome blog post!! I'm felt a bit shame with the both of you.....
I'm so sorry to just left you guys at UPMKB.........to become the victims to write all these posts you have over here.......
You must be tired all this while,,rite?? Hmmmmmmm.....
Congrats Kak Zura and Dani.......... ^^,

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